Jessica Conroy

My research explores past and present climate variability in the tropical Pacific and in the Asian Monsoon region, as well as the impact of remote climate variability on western North America. My dissertation research is focused on obtaining interannual to decadal-scale climate reconstructions from lakes in the Galápagos Islands and southwestern Tibet. I have used one of my lake sediment-based climate reconstructions—a 1200-year record of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures from the Galápagos Islands— to explore century-scale changes in tropical Pacific teleconnections to western North American drought.
I joined CLIMAS in 2010 as a web editor for the Southwest Climate Change Network (SWCCN), a website jointly administered by CLIMAS and the Institute for the Environment. SWCCN aims to be a dynamic and interactive website that brings climate scientists, decision-makers, natural resource managers and the public together to share information about southwest climate change.